About Net Lawman

Net Lawman provides legal document templates and law related services to individuals and businesses who are looking for an alternative to using a traditional firm of lawyers.

We have one of the largest libraries of legal documents available on the Internet. In the UK alone, we have over 250 business contracts and agreements for companies, partnerships and sole traders at all stages of the business life-cycle. We offer another 100 personal and family law documents and over 100 documents for landlords and property owners, including leases, tenancy agreements, licences and notices. Whether you want to develop a website, sell your services or protect an idea, you can do so with a Net Lawman document.

Our goals

Our aim is to make the law more accessible.

By this we mean that your location, financial circumstances and knowledge of the law shouldn’t be barriers to your being able to live your life or to operate your business with a high level of legal protection.

We want people living in rural communities to be able to access specialist law as easily as people living in capital cities; we want to remove cost from being a deciding factor in whether to choose a legal product or service; and we want to make the law understandable to more people than just lawyers.

Our place in the market for legal services

We know that our legal documents do not cover every situation. We don't replace your solicitor. We simply provide a service that enables you to manage many aspects of your business and your life that traditionally in which your solicitor might have been involved.

Our background

Net Lawman is an English company based in Suffolk. We have a second office in Lahore, Pakistan. Our managing director is a solicitor who has drawn or approved every document we sell. You can read more about senior members of our team.

The company started trading in 2001, becoming a pioneer of selling legal documents on the Internet. It now operates in 8 legal jurisdictions across the world: England & Wales, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Republic of South Africa.

© 1999 - 2025 Net Lawman Limited.
All rights reserved