These loan agreements cover lending by either an individual or a company to an individual or a company. Security may be none, a personal guarantee, physical goods or financial assets. You may wish to use them to record a loan to a family member or a third party setting up a business, buying a house or hit by hard times. Where a company is involved, it may be lender or borrower, to a director or shareholder. Different circumstances require the different provisions contained in these loan agreements.
Loan agreement templates
Loan agreement: company; secured by guarantee
An agreement between a lender, who may be an individual or a corporate body, and a borrower, who is a company. Guarantee (probably by directors of company). Strong provisions to protect the lender. Options for alternative repayment provisions and lender actions if borrower defaults. Many other options.
Loan agreement: person to person; secured by guarantee
An agreement between a human individual lender and borrower. The loan is secured with a guarantee by a third party, who may be a friend, relative or business partner. It is likely to be used for family and friends loan arrangements as well as arms length business deals. Strong provisions to protect the lender. Options for alternative repayment provisions and lender actions if borrower defaults.
Loan agreement: company; secured on financial instruments
An agreement between a lender, who may be an individual or a corporate body, and a borrower, who is a company. Loan secured on shares, intellectual property rights or other intangible property. Securities may be in hard or soft copy, or both. Also secured by guarantor. Very strong provisions to protect the lender. Options for alternative repayment provisions and lender actions if borrower defaults.
Loan agreement: individual borrower; secured on financial assets
An agreement between a lender, who may be an individual or a corporate body, and a borrower, who is a individual person (not a company). Security given for the loan is some intangible asset like shares, or right to receive a debt or some other intellectual property. Third party guarantee provision optional. Strong provisions to protect the lender. Options for alternative repayment provisions and lender actions if borrower defaults.
Loan agreement: company borrower; secured on physical assets; guarantor option
An agreement between a lender, who may be an individual or a corporate body, and a borrower, who is a company. Loan secured on specific physical assets. This is not a fixed and floating charge. A guarantor is optional. Very strong provisions to protect the lender. Options for alternative repayment provisions and lender actions if borrower defaults.
Loan agreement: private borrower; secured on physical assets
An agreement between a lender, human or corporate, and a borrower, who is an individual person or partnership and not a company. The loan is secured on specific physical assets. This is not a fixed and floating charge. A guarantor is optional. Very strong provisions to protect the lender. Options for alternative repayment provisions and lender actions if borrower defaults.
Unsecured loan agreement: person to person; private or business
An agreement between a lender, who may be an individual or a corporate body, and a borrower, who is a individual person (or a company). The loan is unsecured with no guarantor. Likely to be used for family loan arrangement or loan to director by his own company. Provisions to protect the lender. Options for alternative repayment provisions and lender actions if borrower defaults.
Friends and family loan agreement
This is a simple loan agreement suitable for lending to friends or family. It is intended to make clear to the borrower that the arrangement is "for real" and that the lender intends that the money should be repaid on time as agreed. It is ideal for lending in situations such as large one-off purchases, funding of events, and consolidation of other debts.
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